64-bit MSDASQL for Windows 2003 is. An ODBC driver. MSDASQL is an OLEDB provider that connects to ODBC, instead of a database. MSDASQL ships. Oracle ODBC driver (32/64 bit) free download for Windows 7 - Connectivity solution for ODBC-based applications to access Oracle databases.
is there some solution how to use 32/64 bit ODBC Microsoft dBase Driver on Windows without Office installed?
Thank you for response.
1 Answer
Jet drivers used to be installed with Windows until the recent Windows editions. You can download ACE drivers for free ( http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13255 ) Here is an example of usage : How to read/write dBase III files using C#/.NET ODBC or OLE?
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Sybase Ase Odbc Driver Windows 7
No ODBC Drivers available for Excel or Access! Even after a complete new installation of Windows 7 and Office 2003 professional or Office 2007 professional on another computer. When I want to add a driver in the ODBC Data Source Administrator, the response is: 'To install new drivers use the driver's setup program!'
In the ODBC Data Source Administrators Windows only the SQL-Native Client and SQL-Server, from Microsoft shows to be installed!
Windows 7
How to install these ODBC Drivers or how to go about it? Thanks a lot for your responses!